Embracing Your Personality Type

Embracing Your Personality Type

Have you ever taken a personality test and were not happy about the outcome? Many people fall into that category. Has the dissatisfaction turned into a frenzy of doing many personality tests to find the ideal you? It is completely normal.

Although there is no ideal personality type, many people have preferences. All personality types have strengths and weaknesses. The goal of knowing your personality is not to change it or compare it with your friends and family.

Understanding your personality helps you know yourself.

  • It leads to self-actualization - your full potential and living up to it instead of
  • It fosters mental wellness - a positive state in psychological health can only be achieved when you know and accept.
  • It is significant for behavioral modification - your personality shows the likelihood of your Insights on such information help you set up feasible strategies for change.
  • Knowing your personality type leads to a deeper understanding of the why behind feelings and helps you engage and interact well with others.

You have probably heard that to conquer the world, you must conquer yourself. The only way to conquer yourself is to master who you are first! Knowing your personality is a good first step of gaining insights about yourself on a deeper level.

When you’re finally aware of your personality, it’s now time to strengthen it! Work on both your virtues and your vices. This leads to mastery. It is what embracing your personality type is all about!

How can you be satisfied with your personality?

The Enemy is Comparison

Comparison puts your focus on the wrong personality. It only breeds resentment. You are a product of nature and nurture. Your genes and the people around you contribute to your personality, along with other factors. Thus, there is no one out there quite like you. Even your siblings have a different set of genes.

Your uniqueness is an asset. Capitalize on it. Besides, adapting to a different personality makes you second best. Embrace what is yours, and others will see you wear it well.

Change your Mindset

There is no winning personality - confidence does not mean superior. Research shows that your likability goes beyond your personality. When it comes to preference, people look at traits.

When you embrace your personality, you learn about the traits that come with it - the good, the bad, and the ugly. You can then use this knowledge to improve your strengths and work on your weaknesses, instead of focusing on changing your persona.

Work with What You Have

Life is like a game of cards - everybody has been dealt a hand. Players gain an advantage by making the most of what they have. The same is accurate of your personality. Make the most of what you have. Luckily, in the game of life, there is no winning standard.

It is impossible to build something from nothing. Only divine intervention can accomplish such a thing. You can only use what you have. What you have is enough for you.

Celebrate Diversity

The world would be a boring place if there were no different personalities. There is beauty in diversity. It is the reason we celebrate the meticulousness that comes with melancholy and the vibrance of a sanguine. A diverse world has a place for the strong-headed choleric and the shy phlegmatic.

If we were all super confident, there would be little sanity around. Personalities complement each other. Where one is weak, the other is strong. The differences make living easier. It also makes humanity need each other.

Venture into Uncharted Waters

Knowing your personality barely scratches the surface of who you are. It does not determine your intelligence or emotional quotient or confine you to a particular job or limit you to a set of skills. It is just the tip of the iceberg.

Give Back

Helping others always makes it easy to celebrate what you have going on. Use your strengths for the good of humanity. The world could use some order that comes naturally with melancholics. The bravado in choleric is equally welcome in alarming situations.

Everybody has something to give. Take a dive deeper into your personality type to become more aware of your traits, strengths, and weaknesses… Embrace it and make the world a better place!

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